IF Sub-grantee

Fab Lab Polytech Yaoundé

Project duration

24 Months

Start 15/12/21 End 14/12/23





Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé

  • Innovation Fund

The Fab Lab Renewable Energies project is structured around four groups of activities. The first group concerns the setting up of the Fab Lab infrastructures by integrating the organization of the Fab Lab management team, the elaboration of the Fab Lab action plan, the recruitment of the staff, the purchase and installation of the infrastructures. The second cluster focuses on the design and manufacture of micro-turbines, including the design and manufacture of micro-turbine rotors, the manufacture of micro-turbine rotors, the testing and improvement of micro-turbines, as well as the writing of scientific and popular articles. The third group of activities focuses on the development of innovations, with training, design and manufacture of prototypes of innovations. Finally, the fourth group of activities focuses on the management of the project around the writing of activity reports, the planning and monitoring of the project, and the writing of the final report.

This project is one of the third- projects financed by PDTIE  in Cameroon.

Project facsheet

Project coordinator

Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé, Cameroon

Project partners