The inauguration of the ‘FabLab Energies renouvelables’ at Polytechnique Yaoundé (Cameroon) took place on November 9, 2023, on the occasion of the 2nd stakeholders’ meeting of the OACPS Research and Innovation program.
The inauguration ceremony began with speeches by the Director of the École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé-Cameroun, the Representative of the European Commission, the Representative of the OACPS, the Chairman of the PDTIE Steering Committee and the Representative of the Rector of the University of Yaoundé I.
The FabLab EnR inauguration plaque was then unveiled. The inauguration ended with a presentation of the equipment room, followed by demonstrations of the equipment available.
The main aim of the FabLab is to give Cameroonian society access to renewable energy sources adapted to the local context.
The project ‘Fab Lab Energies Renouvelables’ is a third-party project of the PDTIE supported by the ACP Innovation Fund.
press release : Cameroon Tribune