After training students and researcher-innovators on the mechanical equipment of the Renewable Energy Fab Lab, third-party project of PDTIE, and led by ‘École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé – Cameroun (ENSPY)’, training on electrical and electronic equipment began on May 11, 2024.
During this first training session, the focus was on the use of the electrical circuit prototyping machine. 30 students and researchers – innovators took part in the training, including 26% young women. The overall aim of the course was to design, simulate the operation of and produce a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) for a stabilized power supply with variable DC voltage from 5 to 30 volts.
The results obtained included installation and familiarization with Proteus software, editing of the power supply’s electronic circuit with Proteus, simulation of the power supply’s operation, production of the PCB on Epoxy copper plate using iron perchloride, and printing of the power supply’s circuit on any support using a printed circuit printer.