Background, objectives and tools
The overall objective of the Programme is to unlock the inclusive innovation potential of OACPS member countries and support their transition into knowledge-based economies to accelerate sustainable development and poverty reduction.
The Programme is relevant to the United Nations Agenda 2030 and contributes primarily to the progressive achievement of SDG 9, but also promotes progress towards all its 17 SDGs.
The three specific objectives of the Programme are:
- foster a conducive R&I environment across the ACP countries;
- facilitate access to R&I knowledge, transfer and cross-fertilisation throughout the ACP countries; and
- enhance the quality of R&I policies and systems in ACP countries.
The programme is based on three main tools:
- An Innovation Fund to finance projects advancing solutions to create a better environment for innovation (increased access to digital literacy and emerging technologies, R&I skills adapted to the labour market demand, improved technology transfer and R&I uptake, promotion of local and indigenous knowledge …);
- A Policy Support Facility to enhance the quality and efficiency of R&I policies, strategies and systems, through tailor-made and on-demand services delivered by high-level experts;
- A Web portal to facilitate access to R&I knowledge, transfer and cross-fertilisation among ACP countries, enabling R&I professionals to meet, network, and exchange information, experiences and good practices.