Stakeholder’s Exchange Meeting (SEM)- 2023

This first Stakeholders’ Exchange Meeting of the OACPS R&I Programme, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 13 – 15 February 2023, demonstrated an active engagement among the recipients of the OACPS R&I Programme actions. Working groups on a variety of topics encouraged the exchange of good practices, results and experiences, and strengthened networking and potential collaborations.

Over 60 participants, representatives of a wide range of African, Caribbean and Pacific R&I stakeholders (academia, research centres, regional and national authorities / agencies in charge of R&I, the private sector, and civil society organisations) attended this meeting. These participants are beneficiaries of the 12 projects financed through the ACP Innovation Fund (IF), including their third-party projects and local multipliers, and of 6 countries that received a Policy Support Facility (PSF) service.

The specific objectives of the event were:

  • Exchange of good practices, results and experiences in project and impact management of the IF projects.
  • Exchange of good practices, results and experiences in the implementation of the PSF services and their follow-up.
  • Knowledge sharing on selected topics and cross-fertilisation of ideas and opportunities for R&I collaboration among IF and PSF beneficiaries.
  • Knowledge sharing on impact measurement strategies during and after the IF and PSF initiatives, at short and long term.

During the event, the 12 IF projects (with their third-party projects / local multipliers) and recipients of the 6 PSF services gave short presentations and displayed their posters.

Presentations of IF projects and PSF services

Posters of IF projects and PSF services

Video of the event


Event opening Event closure