IF Project

Accelerating inclusive green growth through agri-based digital innovation in West Africa (AGriDI)

Project duration

46 Months

Start 01/02/21 End 31/01/26


Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Western Africa, Nigeria


Moses Osiru


  • Innovation Fund
  • R&I
  • Youth/women
  • Digitalisation
  • Food and Natural Resources

The AGriDI initiative empowers farmers, SMEs, and cooperatives in West Africa to adopt transformative digital technologies for agriculture. By bridging gaps between research, policy, and private sectors, it enhances digital literacy, strengthens innovation policies, and fosters sustainable agricultural growth.

AGriDI funds multiple innovative projects, such as digital market linkages, precision farming tools, and policy development initiatives, ensuring inclusivity for women and youth. Through capacity-building workshops, mentorship, and partnerships, AGriDI paves the way for a resilient and inclusive green economy in the region. Explore the “Third Grantees” list below to discover the funded grants.

Visit the project website and learn more. Check the project brochure.



Explore the project’s actions and objectives by clicking on the image below to read the factsheet:

AGriDI project's factsheet

Explore the mid-term results of AGriDI project by clicking on the image below to read the factsheet:

Cover page of AGriDI's mid-term results

Explore the project’s baseline study in the target countries by clicking on the image below:

Cover of AGriDI baseline study

Explore Écosystème de l’agriculture numérique au Bénin. Click the image below to read the publication (in French):


Explore the policy brief ‘Les solutions numériques dans le secteur agricole au Bénin’ (in French) by clicking on the image below:

first page of the policy brief Les solutions numériques dans le secteur agricole au Bénin

Explore ‘A Survey on Digital Agriculture in Five West African Countries’ article by clicking on the image below:

Explore ‘Digital Agriculture Policies and Strategies for Innovations in the Agri-Food Systems—Cases of Five West African Countries’ article by clicking on the image below:

first page of the article 'Digital Agriculture Policies and Strategies for Innovations in the Agri-Food Systems—Cases of Five West African Countries'

Explore ‘PlanteSaine: An Artificial Intelligent Empowered Mobile Application for Pests and Disease Management for Maize, Tomato, and Onion Farmers in Burkina Faso’ article by clicking on the image below:

fist page of the article ' PlanteSaine: An Artificial Intelligent Empowered Mobile Application for Pests and Disease Management for Maize, Tomato, and Onion Farmers in Burkina Faso'

Explore ‘Farmers’ Perception and Practice of Soil Fertility Management and Conservation in the Era of Digital Soil Information Systems in Southwest Nigeria’ article by clicking on the image below:
first page of the article 'Farmers’ Perception and Practice of Soil Fertility Management and Conservation in the Era of Digital Soil Information'Systems in Southwest Nigeria


Project coordinator

International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) – Kenya

Project partners

Agropolis Foundation – France

Université d’Abomey-Calavi – Benin

Gearbox Pan African Network – Kenya

Third grantees