IF Sub-grantee

MarketMap – Improving Women’s opportunities to access microfinance for solar-powered agro-processing equipment

Project duration

24 Months

Start 10/03/22 End 09/03/24




Habiba Ali

Sosai Ren.

  • Innovation Fund
  • R&I
  • Digitalisation
  • Food and Natural Resources

Updated and reliable market information (data on agricultural inputs, productivity and market) available on Market Map for farmers, and processors and service providers in the agricultural sector .

MarketMap is one of the 2 projects financed by AGriDI  in Nigeria.

project video MarketMap App video




Project coordinator

Sosai Renewable Energy, Nigeria

Project partners

Village Infrastructure Angels, UK

News from the project

Webinar of MarketMap project
Innovation Fund

Webinar of MarketMap project