IF Sub-grantee

Enhancing farmers’ uptake of digital technologies through empirical research, innovation and policy intervention (EFUDTRIPI)

Project duration

24 Months

Start 08/03/22 End 07/03/22




Rose Omari


  • Innovation Fund
  • R&I
  • Digitalisation
  • Food and Natural Resources
  • Policy

The EFUDTRIPI project aims to enhance the adoption of digital technologies by farmers in Ghana through research, innovation, and policy interventions. It addresses challenges such as fragmented services, poor internet connectivity, and high costs by assessing the usage, impacts, and barriers of digital solutions. By engaging policymakers, digital service providers, and farmers, the project identifies gaps and fosters tailored policies to improve access, scale adoption, and boost agricultural productivity, with a focus on women and youth inclusion.

EFUDTRIPI is one of the 3 projects financed by AGriDI in Ghana.



Explore the project’s actions and objectives by clicking on the image below to read the factsheet:

EFUDTRIPI factsheet






Project coordinator

Science and Technology Policy Research Institute, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-STEPRI) – Ghana

Project partners

Ministry of Food and Agriculture -Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate- (MOFA-PPMED) – Ghana

Ministry of Food and Agriculture, E-Agriculture Unit – Ghana