IF Sub-grantee

Boosting rice and maize supply chains through innovative e-market and financial services to smallholder farmers in Benin (BoMeF)

Project duration

24 Months

Start 10/03/22 End 09/03/24




Laurent Glin

African Green

  • Technology transfer/commercialisation
  • Innovation Fund
  • R&I
  • Digitalisation
  • Food and Natural Resources

The BoMeF project leverages mobile-based digital solutions to improve the supply chains of maize and rice in Benin, enhancing market access and decision-making for smallholder farmers. By introducing the Ki@ mobile application and connecting it to the Harmonized Agricultural Market Information System (SIM-AH), the project delivers real-time price updates, market offers, and agronomic advice via user-friendly formats, including local languages. This initiative empowers farmers with essential tools to manage their operations as businesses, fostering sustainable agricultural practices and boosting economic growth in the region.

BoMeF is one of the 3 projects financed by AGriDI  in Benin.


Explore the project’s actions and objectives by clicking on the image below to read the factsheet:  


Project coordinator

African Green Corporation SA, Benin

Project partners

Federation des Unions des Producteurs du Benin (FUPRO)

ESOKO, Ghana

News from the project