IF Project

Harnessing Innovative Technologies to Support Resilient Settlements on the Coastal Zones of the Caribbean (HIT RESET)

Project duration

48 Months

Start 01/01/20 End 31/12/24


Dominican Republic, Dominica, Jamaica, Barbados, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean


John Agard


  • Innovation Fund
  • R&I
  • Youth/women
  • Climate Change & environment
  • Digitalisation
  • Policy

The “Harnessing Innovative Technologies to Support Resilient Settlements on the Coastal Zones of the Caribbean” (HIT RESET Caribbean) project, running from January 2021 to December 2024, is funded by the ACP Innovation Fund under the OACPS Research and Innovation Programme, with financial support from the European Union. This initiative is a collaboration between The University of the West Indies, the Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency, and Anton de Kom University of Suriname.

The project aims to enhance resilience in Caribbean coastal communities, where approximately 70% of the population resides and is increasingly vulnerable to climate change impacts such as sea-level rise and intensified hydro-meteorological events. By fostering the development and application of innovative technologies, HIT RESET Caribbean seeks to:

  • Utilize digital and modeling technologies: Equip coastal development agencies and decision-makers in CARIFORUM countries with tools to predict climate change impacts and natural disasters, thereby improving the planning and management of coastal communities.
  • Develop supportive urban planning policies: Assist government entities, coastal development agencies, and communities in formulating policies and plans that integrate digital and modeling innovations for sustainable coastal development.

Through these efforts, the project aims to strengthen institutional capacities and enable national and local governments to effectively leverage information and knowledge for policy amendments, ultimately contributing to the well-being and livelihoods of residents in climate-smart and resilient coastal settlements.

Visit the project website and learn more. Check the project brochure.



Explore the project’s actions and objectives by clicking on the image below to read the factsheet:

HIT RESET factsheet

Explore HIT RESET Caribbean – Overview of project and innovation project. Click the image below to read the publication:

Cover of Harnessing Innovative Technologies to Support Resilient Settlements on the Coastal Zones of the Caribbean (HIT RESET Caribbean)



Project coordinator

The University of the West Indies (UWI) – Trinidad and Tobago


Project partners

Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) – Barbados

Anton de Kom University (ADEKUS) –  Suriname

Third grantees