The project Harnessing Innovative Technologies to Support Resilient Settlements on the Coastal Zones of the Caribbean (HIT RESET Caribbean) gathered its nine third-party projects during a kick-off meeting, organised at Torarica Resort Hotel (Paramaribo, Surinam), from 29 to 30 May 2023.
The workshop was an opportunity for the representatives of the 9 granted projets to introduce themselves and learn more about each other.
HIT RESET Caribbean represents a wide range of activities in various Caribbean countries, aimed at harnessing innovative technologies to make Caribbean coastal communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change. These 9 third-party projets are:
- University of Technology – Jamaica (UTECH): Use of Data and Tools to Map and Monitor Coastal Informal Settlements (MINDSET).
- Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI): Integrating digital technologies and participatory tools to support coastal community resilience in Trinidad & Tobago (Tech4CoastalResilience).
- The University of Trinidad & Tobago (UTT): Advancing Safety and Sustainable Transportation (ASSET).
- Smith Warner International: Comprehensive Coastal Hazard Vulnerability Web Data Platform for Dominica (CHVP) in Dominica.
- Spatial Innovision: Bluefields Climate Smart and Resilient Settlement (BSCRS) in Jamaica.
- Atom Solutions Inc.: The development of a Sargassum biomass prediction app (SBPA), and resulting pilot production of biogas (SarGASsum) in Barbados.
- Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI), based at UWI, Trinidad & Tobago: Innovative Early Detection Pest and Disease Management System using IoTree® sensor in the Real-Time Digital Monitoring of South American Palm weevil for Conserving Coastal Coconut Palms in Select CARIFORUM Countries (Conserving Coastal Coconut Palms).
- Habitat for Humanity (HFH): Building Resilient Communities (BRC) in Trinidad and Tobago
- Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madrey Maestra (PUCMM): Use of digital information technologies for adaptation of the effects of climate change and increase resilience in urban and coastal zones of the Dominican Republic (DITACC) in the Dominican Republic.
The nine projects are funded by HIT RESET Caribbean, a project implemented by The University of the West Indies (UWI), in partnership with Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) and the Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Programme. This initiative is funded by the ACP Innovation Fund from the OACPS Research and Innovation Programme, implemented by the Organization of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States, with the financial contribution of the European Union.
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