
A look back at 4 days of intense exchanges between African stakeholders of the OEACP R&I Programme

From November 7 to 10, 2023, the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) organized a second Stakeholder Exchange Meeting (SEM) of the OACPS Research and Innovation Program, dedicated to projects based in Africa.

The aim of this second SEM was to continue building a research and innovation community among the beneficiaries of the Program initiatives, and to promote multi-stakeholder dialogue and interaction.

At the opening ceremony, the OACPS Secretariat‘s video message set the tone for the proceedings: “Your projects have made good progress towards [the] goal of unleashing the inclusive innovation potential of ACP countries. But we must continue to work together, sharing our resources and experiences to ensure that we achieve the results expected by each of us, and the hoped-for impacts for each of the target users and beneficiaries in our countries. …. The end-users and beneficiaries of the results of your projects [must] continue to be involved in their implementation and finalization plan, which will ensure that the impacts of the projects are visible, reproducible and sustainable after the end of funding. But also that the partnerships formed continue to contribute to the strengthening of research and innovation ecosystems.’

In addition to group work sessions to develop approaches for disseminating activities and results, and for sustaining and finalizing projects, as well as strategies for valorizing/marketing innovations developed within the framework of third-party projects, there were numerous opportunities to discuss ideas, experiences, challenges and solutions together, with particular emphasis on the sustainability and impact of these projects/support systems/innovations….

During the afternoon of Thursday 9th, we visited the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Yaoundé, where the  FabLab Polytech ‘Renewable Energies‘, set up by the institution as part of one of the PDTIE’s third-party projects, was officially inaugurated in the presence of high-level Cameroonian authorities.   

Inauguration du Fablab Ennergies renouvelables à l’ENSP Yaoundé

Last but not least, participants also had the opportunity to visit two innovation incubation sites: MIPROMALO and IRAD, both beneficiaries of two third-party projets supported by PDTIE and PRICNAC projects.

Finally, throughout the week, an exhibition of innovations enabled many of our participants to present their products. Thanks to IFDD, through the PDTIE project, for this initiative and the organization of this ‘village’.



Village de l’innovation

The knowledge products resulting from this OACPS stakeholder exchange meeting will be published shortly. Stay tuned!

Please find a summary of this event in video:

The event was widely covered by the media, and here are a few extracts:

  • Canal2 a fait un reportage sur le Programme R&I de l’OEACP dans son journal du 7 novembre 2023

  • Balafon TV a fait un reportage sur le Programme R&I de l’OEACP dans son journal du 7 novembre 2023

  • Vox Africa fait un reportage sur le Programme R&I de l’OEACP dans son journal du 8 novembre 2023

  • «Nous accompagnons les innovateurs à travailler sur leur plan de durabilité»

  • Recherche et innovation : Les parties prenantes du Fonds ACP pour l’innovation se concertent au Cameroun

  • CRTV – Inauguration du FabLab Énergies Renouvelables de Polytech Yaoundé le 9 novembre 2023