Please read the latest news of the RERIPA project in the Pacific, focused on the 2023 Activities and particularly on the third-party projects granted:
- Mapping & Diagnosis of Research & Innovation Ecosystems, Network facilitation and Research & Innovation Strategy (USP)
- Capacity Building in Innovation and Valorisation (USP)
- 5 living Labs:
- i) Climate change adaptation innovations for coral reefs in support of community-based conservation (USP)
- ii) Living Lab for a decarbonized energy production in Samoa (NUS)
- iii) Sustainable infrastructure for Pacific ocean community (USP)
- iv) Innovative and sustainable solutions for managing coastal erosion (Te Ipukarea Society)
- v) Climate change and the futures of coastal communities: transformation of sociality, livelihoods and lifestyle in the South Pacific (CHANCES-PACIFIC) (USP)
- Communication and training tools & resources for enhancing research & innovation to face climate change challenges (FNU)