IF Sub-grantee

Living Lab for Decarbonised Energy Production in Samoa

Project duration

24 Months

Start End




Patila Amosa

National University of Samoa (NUS)

  • Innovation hub
  • Energy
  • Innovation Fund
  • R&I
  • Climate Change & environment

One of the causes of climate change is the emission of CO2 as a result of the use of fossil-based fuel. This is indeed most true in the Pacific area, and in particular in Samoa, where both the transportation and the production of electrical energy relies on diesel fuels with consequent increase of bill expenditure. On the other side, natural hazards, which are ever increasingly becoming more dangerous because of climate change phenomena, require a more resilient supply of energy, to avoid power outages in remote villages. Finally, there is a need for local decision-makers to develop new policies that encourage decarbonized energy
A response to tackle these two issues is the use of decarbonized distributed energy, by using microgrids (MG) These would be able to allow the production of “green” electrical energy by using renewable energy sources (RES) and can either work connected to the main utility grid or operate in stand-alone mode is a disconnection occurs, to make the energy quality more resilient and avoid service disruptions.

The project is funded by RERIPA


Project coordinator

National University of Samoa (NUS)

Project partners

The University of the South Pacific (Samoa Campus)
USP – School of Information Technology, Engineering, Physics and Mathematics
Samoa Umbrella for Non-Governmental Organisations (SUNGO)