IF Sub-grantee

Projet d’évaluation des capacités financières des acteurs et de l’adéquation des innovations vertes au marché : cas du Cameroun et de la République Démocratique du Congo

Project duration

18 Months

Start 01/06/22 End 31/12/23


Cameroon, DRC



Université de Yaoundé II - Centre d’Études et de Recherche en Économie et Gestion (CEREG), Cameroon

  • Innovation Fund
  • R&I

The financial capacities of green innovators will be assessed as well as the level of adequacy between the supply and demand of eco-innovative products in Cameroon and DRC. The purpose of this assessment is to strengthen the financial capacities of eco-innovators by providing them with financial techniques adapted to effective fundraising. On the other hand, they will be provided with tools to diagnose market needs in order to better match their offer with the real needs of the local market.

This project is one of the third- projects financed by PDTIE  in Cameroon and DRC.

Project factsheet

Project coordinator

Université de Yaoundé II – Centre d’Études et de Recherche en Économie et Gestion (CEREG), Cameroon

Project partners

Centre d’Expertise en Gestion du Secteur Minier (CEGEMI), DRC