IF Sub-grantee

Study on the State of Local and Indigenous Knowledge on Sustainable Development in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo and Its Use, Taking into Account Gender-Specific Aspects and Gender Equality

Project duration

18 Months

Start 15/12/21 End 14/06/23


Cameroon, DRC


Baudouin Michel

École Régionale post-universitaire d’Aménagement et de gestion Intégrés des Forêts et Territoires tropicaux (ERAIFT)

  • Innovation Fund
  • Youth/women
  • Indigenous knowledge
  • Climate Change & environment

To document, capitalise and popularise the knowledge and know-how of local communities and indigenous peoples in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the fields of agroecology, ecosystem conservation and restoration, health, life, sustainable use of energy, sustainable management of natural resources and environmental quality with a view to promoting them in sustainable development activities.

This project is one of the third- projects financed by PDTIE  in Cameroon and DRC.

Project factsheet

Project coordinator

Ecole Régionale postuniversitaire d’Aménagement et des gestion Intégrés des Forêts et territoires tropicaux (ERAIFT), DRC

Project partners

Ecole de Faune de Garoua (EFG), Cameroon