The ‘Projet de Vulgarisation des Technologies et Innovations pour un Développement Durable (ProVID2)’ team is monitoring innovators who have benefited from the PDTIE project, in order to assess the level of innovation production. To this end, exchange groups have been set up on whatsapp or by mailing list, depending on the field of innovation (health, agro-industry or processing, agriculture, construction, environment) and by country (Cameroon and DRC). In addition, meetings between the team and innovators continue to take place face-to-face wherever possible.
On February 28, 2024, exchanges took place between the project team and Mr. Félix FONCHA, who is supported by IRAD’s APAFReP project ( Starting with a sample of 114 hybrids, the innovator carried out several tests to end up with a sample of 5 high-potential hybrids. The final steps for the innovator are to select the two best seeds, carry out the Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) and VUC tests, which will enable the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) to register these seeds in the Cameroon seed catalog. Extension can then begin. Ultimately, these quality seeds, with their three distinctive features: improved yields, resistance to fungi and low aflatoxin levels, will contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction.