This first Fablab in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, managed by the Evangelical University in Africa, aims to contribute to sustainable development by ensuring effective waste management through new digital technologies.
It is part of the project for the deployment of environmental technologies and innovations for sustainable development and poverty reduction (PDTIE), led by the Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable, with the support of the ACP Innovation Fund and the European Union.
Fabrice Nfuamba Lukeba, a professor at the University and project leader of the PDTIE, recalled during the press conference (18 March 2023) that the objective of this FabLab in Bukavu is, through the creation of a digital learning space, to better manage and valorise waste, a problem faced by this city with a rapidly growing population. And to create jobs, especially for women and youth, two priority targets of the project.
The press speaks about it: