Following the call for proposals launched last March by the Fab Lab ÉcoDéchets in Bukavu, a project implemented by the Université Évangélique en Afrique (UEA), 15 innovation projects have been selected and will benefit from technical support to prototype their projects in the following areas :
- waste recovery ;
- improving waste management;
- waste recycling.
The list includes the names of the winners and the titles of the following innovation projects:
- Usafi Bk : IoT-enabled smart garbage cans for waste collection and management in the city of Bukavu (Nshobole Nteranya Solange)
- Automated plastic egg incubator (Kemwela Bashimbe Léa)
- Steam turbine (Wani Mongane)
- Support for plastic waste management in the city of Bukavu (Neema Mparanyi Justine)
- Artificial Intelligence for waste collection, separation and management systems (Omoy Kombe Hélène)
- Production of a composting machine with artificial intelligence (Toumba Ngongo Christine)
- Paper and cardboard recycling (Vunanwa Chirimwengoma Marie France)
- Making plastic objects (pavés, sandales) (Bwila Lukeba Christine)
- Ecowood (Casinga Eric)
- Production and distribution of flowers, flowerpots, chandeliers, lampshades and other decorative objects made from waste plastics, wood, glass and metal (Ishara Chirhakarhula Donnis)
- Generating continuous current from plastic waste (Kisumba Landry, Mahinduzi Lola, Mbaswa Cito)
- Paper and cardboard recycler (Muhondosi Enankaluly, Mugisho Mwanawabene, Birugu Kabidu, Cirhuza Bisimwa, Ntwali Mulumeoderwa, Ntaboba Kusinza, Aksanti Bahati, Mburho Ntabyo)
- Creation of a plastic waste recycling plant in the city of Bukavu (Ushindi Mulumeodehwa Fidel)
- Mobile Plasti-Recycler (Grady Cirhuza Alisonne, Zawadi Kahirira Carine)
- eSAFI (Changu Ombeni Akheem)
Fab Lab ÉcoDéchets in Bukavu is a third-party project of the PDTIE supported by the ACP Innovation Fund.