The “E-Entrepreneuse” micro-project, an initiative led by the École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Maroua (ENSPM) and the University of Moundou, and supported by a grant from the PRICNAC project, aims to promote the empowerment of women by encouraging the use of online commerce for the large-scale distribution of their services and products. It provides support for 200 women entrepreneurs and 20 trainers from vocational training centers (CFPs) in Cameroon (in the Adamaoua, North and Far North regions) and Chad (in Moundou).
The action levers of the E-Entrepreneuse project are multiple:
✅ Training in the use of e-commerce
✅ Coaching and personalized support
✅ Development of a dedicated e-commerce platform
✅ Support in using this platform
✅ Sharing results and transferring knowledge
On Monday April 22, the project was able to report to the PRICNAC team on its progress in carrying out its activities.