Project duration
24 Months
Start 15/12/21 End 14/12/23
PEPITA-UN aims to contribute to the creation of an inclusive research-innovation environment in Cameroon conducive to sustainable development. Specifically, it aims to improve the research-innovation capacities of young researchers and innovators. At the operational level, it aims to train young people, researchers and innovators, to award them scholarships, and to provide laboratories with material means for research-innovation. Finally, it aims to produce 20 environmentally friendly innovations, at least 25% of which will be carried out by women and 60% by young people in the agro-industry.
PEPITA-UN is one of the third- projects financed by PDTIE in Cameroon.
Project factsheet
25 innovations selected by PEPITA
Project coordinator
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agro-Industrielles (ENSAI), Cameroon
Project partners
News from the project
11 dec 2023
Paroles d’incubés – épisode 1- Miléna
18 dec 2023
A beneficiary of PDTIE- PEPITA-UN project receives an award!
22 dec 2023