IF Project

Georisks and climate change in the Caribbean region Based on transdisciplinary and Trans-sectorial approach: Integrating science and end-users needs for innovative and sustainable mitigation and adaptation solutions (GEOACT)

Project duration

33 Months

Start 01/03/21 End 18/12/23


Barbados, Haiti, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean



  • Innovation Fund
  • R&I
  • Youth/women
  • Indigenous knowledge
  • Climate Change & environment
  • Digitalisation

Civil society organisations (CSOs), citizens, entrepreneurs, innovators, universities, research centres, regional organisations and public authorities will be facilitated to collaborate in so-called ‘Living Labs’, to share research knowledge, to explore digital and project development/management tools, and to develop inclusive, smart and sustainable innovative solutions that serve Caribbean countries to adapt to the effects of natural hazards and climate change in the region.

Visit the project website and learn more.



Explore the project’s actions and objectives by clicking on the image below to read the factsheet:

GEO ACT factsheet






Project coordinator

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) – France


Project partners

Association of Caribbean States – Trinidad and Tobago

Caribbean Science Foundation – Barbados

Fondation FOKAL – Haiti

Sir Arthur Lewis Community College – St. Lucia

Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie – France

Third grantees