The ‘École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Douala’ is launching a call for proposals for the funding of sixteen (16) innovations within the framework of the Project: ‘Projet de Développement et de Modernisation des Procédés de Transformation, de Conservation et de Conditionnement Agroalimentaires (PDEMOPTRACCA)’, a third-party project funded by the PDTIE.
Launched from March 7, 2023 to April 21, 2023, this call for proposals is intended to select 16 innovation projects aimed at improving the quality and quantity of agri-food production, with a view to sustainable development. The call will select:
- Four (4) agri-food processing innovations;
- Four (4) innovations in agri-food conservation;
- Eight (8) innovations in agri-food packaging.
The micro-projects will be financed up to 4 530 000 FCFA or 6905 euros.
The deadline is 21 April 2023 at 23:59 (GMT+1).
The press release of the Rector of the ‘Université de Douala’ is available here.
Detailed information is contained in the guidelines available on the PDEMOPTRACCA project page
For any difficulty or additional information, please contact Mr. Patrick Serge NKENE ZOGO II, Head of the Experimentation and Production Center at ENSPD and focal point of the project, by email at with a copy at or at the following numbers: + 237 697542240/ +237 694574834.
As a reminder, the ’École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Douala (ENSPD)’ is one of 15 third-party organisations that are beneficiaries of grants under the PDTIE, supported by the ACP Innovation Fund.