The “Project of Deployment of Environmental Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction” (PDTIE), implemented by the Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD), a subsidiary body of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) in partnership with Kongo University in DRC, EDEN Africa and Engineers Without Borders in Cameroon, is launching a 3rd call for projects from February 1 to 28, 2022 with the aim of awarding 4 grants to support environmental research and innovation in Cameroon and DRC.
In the framework of this final call for projects, eligible non-profit structures are invited to submit a proposal for projects lasting from 12 to 24 months corresponding to the three (3) lots below:
- Lot A: Conduct of 2 studies (one on Cameroon and one on DRC) to assess the financial capacities of the targeted change actors and to match the selected solutions/techniques with the result of the study.
- Lot B: Production of applied SD R&I messages and their dissemination (via the most appropriate solutions such as cell phones, social networks, TV/radio, press, etc.) in Cameroon and DRC.
- Lot C: Funding for at least 15 innovations in DRC per third party entity (two grants available).