The third party projects funded by VaRRIWA were officially launched this Thursday, July 21, 2022 in the AUF premises in Dakar, Senegal.
4 entities from Senegal have successfully benefited from the VaRRIWA Initiative grant in the framework of the valorization of research results and innovation for a global amount of more than 878,000 euros.
- The Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis with the project “Valorisation des Médicaments Traditionnels Améliorés pour le traitement de l’hypertension artérielle au Sénégal” (VALMEDTRA)
- The Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles with a project to support the creation of a National Pole of Excellence to pool and accelerate the transfer of agricultural and agri-food research results in Senegal (APEX)
- The Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique de DAKAR with the organization of a Forum on Innovative Materials and Sustainable Construction in West Africa (FORUM MICD-AO)
- The Virtual University of Senegal (UVS) with a Training project on the Valorization of the results of innovation research and their economic exploitation in Senegal (PFVRIEES)
The press speaks about it :
VivAfrik 👉
SenePlus 👉
More info on VaRRIWA:
Video of VaRRIWA VaRRIMAGVaRRIWA is financed under the ACP Innovation Fund, a pillar of the OACPS Research and Innovation Programme, implemented by the OACPS Secretariat and funded by the European Union.