Deadline : 28/02/2022, 23:59 CET
The consortium – IRD (Research Institute for Development), Pacific Islands Association of Non-Government Organisation (PIANGO – Fiji), Pacific Island Development Forum (PIDF – Fiji), Vanuatu Meteorology & Geo-Hazard Department (VMGD – Vanuatu)- will facilitate the implementation of the RERIPA project (“Enhancing Research and Innovation ecosystem to tackle climate change in the Pacific”), one of the 8 granted projects financed under the ACP innovation Fund.
The overall objective of RERIPA is to strengthen research and innovation (R&I) ecosystems of small Pacific countries, as well as networks of actors and strategies for innovative and sustainable solutions to the impacts of climate change. Participatory and multi-actor approaches will be favored, with the support of; scientific and traditional knowledge, project engineering and partnership structuring.
In accordance with the objectives of the Project, the members of the consortium are calling forth interested parties to submit their proposals in relation to the two separate calls listed below:-
The goal of this Call is to fund one excellent multi-partner project aimed at improving our knowledge and understanding of R&I ecosystems at the national and regional level, and facilitating R&I interactions throughout the innovation chain to build a shared vision and strategy of R&I for the Pacific Region.
The goal of this second Call is to fund one excellent multi-partner project aimed at strengthening innovation capacities of the SIDS stakeholders involved in the Pacific R&I ecosystems at the national and regional level.
All necessary documents and information, including guidelines for applicants, templates, FAQs, etc. are availbale through the above links.
If you wish to submit a project proposal, please send an email to to inform about your intention to submit.