The Centre d’Expertise et de Formation en Valorisation des Résultats de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (CEFEVRRI), in Bobo-Dioulasso, is continuing its mission to boost innovation in Burkina Faso:
Training, reflection and dialogue: a week full of activities
– Training: From 13 to 18 May 2024, UNB is organising the twelfth training session of the CEFEVRRI project, in collaboration with the Association Burkinabè des Inventeurs et Innovateurs. The session, which will bring together around fifteen participants, aims to build the capacity of research and innovation players in the area of intellectual property management.
– Brainstorming: A brainstorming meeting has been organised to explore the creation of a university certificate dedicated to the exploitation and protection of the results of research and innovation. This certificate aims to meet the growing need for specialist skills in this crucial area.
– Dialogue with training beneficiaries: A focus group was used to gather the valuable opinions of CEFEVRRI project beneficiaries. These exchanges feed into the continuous improvement of the Centre’s actions and help to better identify the needs and expectations of those working in the field.
CEFEVRRI, a key player in the promotion of research in Burkina Faso.
CEFEVRRI is one of three third-party projects funded by VaRRIWA in Burkina Faso.