Innovation Fund

EFUDTRIPI- Policy dialogue in Ghana

On 28th August 2024, Enhancing farmers’ uptake of digital technologies through empirical research, innovation and policy interventions (EFUDTRIPI) project, AGriDI third-party project in Ghana, hold a  national policy dialogue.

The EFUDTRIPI project was designed to focus on small, medium and large-scale farmers to generate evidence on the level of use of digital technologies and services by farmers and the impacts on their farming activities. The project identifies the enablers and constraints to the use and adoption of digital solutions, existing policy gaps, and the interventions policymakers and digital service providers should adopt to eliminate these constraints.

The objective of this policy dialogue was to discuss the key findings and policy recommendations from the project and identify pathways for influencing policies and policy decisions on digitalisation in agriculture.

Please find below links to some media stories about the event.

GBC Online:

Ghana News Agency:

Oman FM: CSIR-STEPRI Holds Policy Dialogue To Discuss Project Findings And Policy Recommendations – Oman 107.1 FM (

UTV News: My files – OneDrive (

UTV News:!AmsznsKgQtcAmFlCCjpJ5QxDBzgm?e=QBBU7q

GTV News:!AmsznsKgQtcAmFprPPRyTj0nRF90?e=lsCS8m