Innovation Fund

Burkina Faso: building skills to promote research results

Thirty researchers and teacher-researchers from Burkina Faso have benefited from intensive training on the valorization and protection of research and innovation results.

This initiative, which took place from December 4 to 9, 2023, is the fruit of collaboration between 3 third-party projects support by VaRRIWA in BurkinaFaso: the ‘Centre d’Expertise et de Formation en Valorisation des Résultats de la Recherche et de l’Innovation’ CEFEVRRI at Université Nazi Boni, the BTTi led by Université Joseph KI-ZERBO and the CITI project at CNRST.

Over six days, participants explored the issues involved in commercializing research results, addressing legal, regulatory, management and economic issues. The training session also aimed to raise researchers’ awareness of the importance of taking results out of the laboratory and putting them to use at various levels, right through to industrialization. reports: