Project duration
12 Months
Start 01/03/23 End 29/02/24
Cameroon, DRC
Barnabé OKOUDA
Centre d’Analyse et de Recherche sur les Politiques Économiques et Sociales du Cameroun (CAMERCAP-PARC)
okoudabarne@gmail.comThe general objective of these studies is to facilitate the linking of technological innovators and the private sector based on the assessment of needs and constraints identified in Cameroon and DRC. On a practical level, it will involve analyzing the productive ecosystem to identify 100 SMEs willing to establish business relationships with innovators at the national level, in order to create bridges between knowledge and private sector actors, to optimize the niches of better solutions capable of supporting the production of specific goods and services, while taking into account the constraints of financing and environmental preservation.
This project is one of the third- projects financed by PDTIE in Cameroon and DRC.
Project factsheet
Project coordinator
Centre d’Analyse et de Recherche sur les Politiques Économiques et Sociales du Cameroun (CAMERCAP-PARC)
Project partners
Université Autre Son d’Afrique (UasAF)