Innovation Fund

Want to build a sustainable and comfortable home?

Discover Lobatin 1.0, the brand-new software designed by the innovative NDJONNOU TCHAWA Lynda Phalone to meet the specific needs of construction in Cameroon. Thanks to the integration of local materials, Lobatin 1.0 accurately predicts the inside temperature of every room in your home.

👉 Why is this important? Today’s software often ignores the specifics of local materials, which can compromise the thermal comfort of our homes. Lobatin 1.0 solves this problem by providing accurate forecasts, perfectly adapted to the realities of construction in Cameroon.

🔍 The benefits:
Accuracy and relevance thanks to the integration of local materials 
Intuitive, accessible interface, even without technical expertise 
Optimized well-being and energy efficiency of living spaces 

Incubated within the Mission de Promotion de Matériaux Locaux (MIPROMALO), Lobatin 1.0 is being developed as part of the  PDTIE project. Watch the video presentation to discover the innovations of Lobatin 1.0 and see how this software can transform your construction projects !

This video has been produced by the project ‘Vulgarisation des Technologies et Innovations pour un Développement Durable’ (PROVID2), third-party project of PDTIE,  which aims to ensure access to technological innovations for vulnerable populations in Cameroon and the DRC through community appropriation of research results and innovations.

Each week, PROVID2 highlights an environmental technology and innovation for sustainable development and poverty reduction developed by innovators in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.