The Projet de Vulgarisation des Technologies et Innovations pour un Développement Durable (PROVID2), third-party project of PDTIE, aims to ensure access to technological innovations for vulnerable populations in Cameroon and the DRC through community appropriation of research results and innovations.
Each week, PROVID2 highlights an environmental technology and innovation for sustainable development and poverty reduction developed by innovators in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
This week, discover a new technique, developed by innovators DIDA Sylvère, TENE Martial, and NGATSI Patrice, for producing improved potato seed using nanobioformulations based on plant extracts is a response to the major challenges facing agriculture in Cameroon. It tackles the unavailability of seeds and plant pathogenic diseases that seriously affect yields and prices.
🎥 Find out in this video 👉 how this fast, organic method transforms potato seed production using local plant extracts.