Innovation Fund

Encouraging middle and high school students to innovate

From May 15 to 23, 2024, nearly 30 middle and high schools in Yaoundé were informed and sensitized about the middle and high school innovation competition organized as a prelude to the science, technology and innovation fair scheduled for December 10 to 12, 2024 in Yaoundé-Cameroon.

More than 400 students in third and first grade were briefed on the innovation competition on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

Submission deadline: September 12, 2024
Prizes: Project funding, mentoring, networking with experts, etc.
Locations: Secondary schools in Kinshasa and Yaoundé

To find out more about the call for projects, click on this link:

To participate, fill in the form and submit your project via the link below:


Join PDTIE in this adventure for a more innovative future!