Innovation Fund

ECO-STABILIZER-PLUS, innovation of the week by PROVID2

“ECO-STABILIZER-PLUS” is an innovative pavement stabilization solution designed by Jordan Valdès SONTIA METEKONG, as part of the Deployment of Environmental Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Project (PDTIE). This method uses geopolymers derived from local materials such as rice husk ash, clay and pozzolan, offering an ecological and economical alternative to traditional techniques.


  • Superior durability: Compressive strength from 2.71 to 13.57 MPa, ensuring stronger, longer-lasting infrastructures.
  • Ecological: Reduces carbon footprint by recycling agricultural by-products and minimizing the use of imported materials.
  • Adaptable: Suitable for all types of soil and infrastructure, from roads to cycle paths.
  • Ease of application: Enables faster, less costly repair and construction work.

In collaboration with the Mission de Promotion de Matériaux Locaux (MIPROMALO), this innovation is set to change the landscape of roads in Cameroon. 👉

Watch the video to see how “ECO-STABILIZER-PLUS” can transform road infrastructure in Cameroon!

This video has been produced by the project ‘Vulgarisation des Technologies et Innovations pour un Développement Durable’ (PROVID2), third-party project of PDTIE,  which aims to ensure access to technological innovations for vulnerable populations in Cameroon and the DRC through community appropriation of research results and innovations.

Each week, PROVID2 highlights an environmental technology and innovation for sustainable development and poverty reduction developed by innovators in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.