
World Francophone Science Week- 4th edition

AUF organises the 4th edition of the ‘Semaine mondiale de la Francophonie scientifique’ (SMFS)!

👉 Register now to follow this event online or in person:

This flagship event brings together the major players in the French-speaking world of science around four major themes:
1️⃣ Congrès de la Jeunesse estudiantine francophone: over 100 committed young people from all over the world.
2️⃣ Assises internationales de la Francophonie scientifique: open to all, registration required (online or in person).
3️⃣ Francophone Ministerial Conference: dedicated to ministers of higher education and research.
4️⃣ Cooperation program: workshops, network launches and 2nd conference of presidents of “conférences régionales des recteurs” (CR2R).

This year’s Assises will explore 5 key themes from October 16 to 18:
🔹 Digital transformation and generative AI
🔹 Ecological transition and the challenges of the SDGs
🔹 Evolution of professions and work
🔹 Demographics, development and migration
🔹 Informational disorder and social dynamics

📌More info on SMFS :