
Development of a Regional Multi-actor Research Network (RMRN) Consortium on Agroecology in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Region


Opening Date: December 4, 2023 – Closing Date: February 1, 2024

The Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) in collaboration with the European Commission (EC) will support Research Institutions, Universities, and other local Organizations to establish and operationalize at least one Regional Multi-actor Research Network (RMRN) on Agroecology in SADC Region. The support will seek to build excellence in research and education based on innovative approaches to produce knowledge, to test or scale solutions conducive to transitioning to an agroecological agri-food system. The overall objective of RMRN is to contribute to a sustainable agri-food system transition in the SADC region based on agroecological principles.

CCARDESA is the sole sub-regional organisation in Southern Africa mandated to coordinate and facilitate sub-regional agricultural research and development activities, it (CCARDESA) will be the Grant Applicant and its role will be coordination and facilitation of the programme while the RMRN Consortium will be implementers and hence co-applicants of the grant.

The total grant for the RMRN is around €4 million and additional funds will be provided to CCARDESA to play its role. The selection of the co-applicants to constitute the RMRN Consortium in the SADC region will be through a competitive process and the details are provided hereafter.

Info and application