The third-party projects : APEX and PFVRIEES , financed by VaRRIWA and implemented in Senegal, are actively contributing to the creation of an environment conducive to innovation and technology transfer in the country.
Led by the Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA), the APEX project has provided the institute with an equipped space to support incubates, and has trained 30 researchers, teacher-researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators in business creation and management, intellectual property and business plan development. To date, 10 promising incubatees have been selected and are receiving seed funding to help bring their projects to fruition. In addition, 4 incubatees have been helped to prepare their patent applications, 1 of which has already been submitted to OAPI.
The PFVRIEES project, piloted by the Université Numérique Cheikh Hamidou KANE (UN-CHK), has set up a comprehensive online training platform on the economic valorization of research results. 128 players have already benefited from this training, and a technological meeting is planned to enable participants to share their experiences with practitioners.